The ancentri Al-Kemi (“kemetic”)/ KMT system of education is, in-factum, the highest Educational standard of the ancient world, as well as today. Students were required the study of "the Seven Liberal Arts", to develop "The Ten Virtues", and required the dedication of themselves to "The Seven Behaviors".
This natural-LLall/ ancentri Maa'T mystery-indenture/ indigenie-heredis educational system honor et Acceptance is with both indelible Spiritual & Practical purpose: for Æterna ancintri heredis up-lift-ment, absolutely; "ministri of Reconciliation": corpus world-body et world-soule Wholeistic-health, indelible.
Our ancestors knew that, by practicing the Ten Virtues and gaining knowledge of one's-self, etc., et. al. (nbjr), in all, ONE [1] would liberate the soule from the confines of the body, in unification/sema-Tawi of "the two-landes"(red land et black land); Identification / Unification with Absolute; Nehast/ pax supreme.
"'Know thy-self' et thou shall know the uni-verse et nTr/ All'ah/ God" ~ Al Kemi Proverb